AllPencilsDown is a partnership between George Mizzell and Laura McDanal. George and Laura have been providing ACT/SAT test preparation classes and one-on-one tutoring services for over 20 years, utilizing their educational and career experiences to assist students in achieving their standardized testing goals.
George Mizzell is a 1979 graduate of UAB Engineering School, specializing in electrical engineering. He spent 15 years as an engineer with Alabama Power, and the past 18 years consulting in areas which include engineering, programming, organizational effectiveness, and marketing functions. George has a strong passion for helping students understand Math and Science, and developed a wide range of Hands-On Science classes which have been enjoyed by thousands of energetic students. He also taught as a volunteer in Vestavia Hills schools for 15 years. George has been tutoring one-on-one and teaching ACT/SAT preparation for two decades, and works with over 1,000 students each year in classes and one-on-one sessions
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Laura McDanal is a graduate of Southern Wesleyan University Central, South Carolina, with a BA degree in English. She also obtained a Master's degree in English Education from The University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). Laura is a State Certified Teacher with teaching experience at Hoover High School in 11th and 12th grade English. She has 20 years’ ACT/SAT teaching experience with a strength in writing skills, grammar mechanics, and reading effectiveness coaching. She also has experience with English as a Second Language students, specifically Japanese.
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